Top 3 fresh vegetables and fruits for winter

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Aah winters! Love it, or hate it, it’s here and we need to embrace it. Though it is cold (and by cold, I mean very cold!), there are some things about winter that I love. All the winter activities, a chance to bundle up and be nice and cozy, sitting by the fireplace and having some eggnog, ice skating, the calmness of the snow and fresh winter produce!

Ever since we were little kids, my mom always encouraged us to have vegetables and fruits that were in season. And I’ve come to love that concept! Nothing can beat a chilled watermelon in the summer and nothing can beat a pumpkin soup in the winter.

So here are my top 3 vegetables and fruits for the winter - 

1. Carrots - The first thing I think off with carrots are the little noses in Snowmen. Now in our HomeBaker baking kits, we have replaced those carrots with orange M&M’s because we are naughty like that, but that doesn’t take away the delicious fresh taste of making a gooey carrot cake with fresh carrots during the winter!

2. Pumpkin- Pumpkin and cold weather just go hand in hand. The moment fall hits and halloween creeps up on us, it means pumpkin season. Pumpkin is one of the most versatile ingredients with which you can create interesting dishes. But nothing beats a simple pumpkin soup for us. That feeling of having a steaming cup of fresh pumpkin soup at the end of the day is extremely fulfilling! 

3. Kale - Now we had to include some vegetables to make our moms happy! And I really like our modern day superfood, kale. My favorite way of consuming kale is through fried kale chips (some may call it cheating) or blending it in with a delicious frozen fruit smoothie. I usually put in a blend of frozen berries, some almond milk, some chia seeds, kale, and a banana and that is one of my favorite breakfasts to have on the go!