4 Ways to be a cool Grandmom

In Motivational Baking 0 comments

1. Cook Together
Make something fun like Cookies, fruit smoothies, or design-your-own
personal pizzas. There are kid friendly recipe books and websites. Homebaker is a unique company which also delivers special kid safe
meal kits
which makes it so easy with ready organic ingredients and each
kid gets their own kit if needed. These baking kits are the new DIY Activity kits for kids.

2. Share your love for arts & music
Take them for live plays and kid concerts. You will love it when you
see them clapping in delight. Listen to some music of their choice
together. It's even fun to help them make a secret gift card for their

3. Bring school lessons to life
Even the best schools have their limitations. Discuss subjects that
have captured your grandchild’s attention.
If they are learning French in school take them to a French restaurant. Show them videos of Paris on You Tube. If they are interested in bees, pay a visit to a local beekeeper .

4. Get Tech savvy with them
There are plenty of interactive apps and websites where you can
safely chat with 10 grandkids in different cities at one time. One of
the coolest things you can do with your grandchildren is play online
games together. “They love that you understand what they are doing and
that you’re having fun doing it with them

Image Credit - https://blog.frontiersin.org/2020/04/17/dance-with-your-grandma-after-covid-19-of-course/